A Root Based Approach To Reflexology And Wellness

Specialising in Reflexology for Fertility, Pregnancy & Maternity, Health and Wellbeing

Hi and welcome to Diep Roots Reflexology!

I’m Amy, the founder and therapist of Diep Roots Reflexology. I’m passionate about supporting you on your journey to wellness, whether you are in need of de-stressing, trying to conceive, looking for support to ease the symptoms of pregnancy and prepare for birth, wanting to accelerate your postnatal recovery to learning useful techniques to soothe and bond with your baby or toddler.

At the core of my treatments is a clear intention to support your body’s own healing process, and provide your body with what it needs to restore its natural balance. My approach is relaxed, empathetic and supportive. Treatments are tailored to your individual needs, and aim to leave you feeling calm and super relaxed after your visit.

Amidst our busy lifestyles, many factors can influence the way our bodies function and heal, from what we choose to eat, apply to our skin, how stressed we feel to the lifestyle choices we make. Taking a holistic approach to reflexology, I believe in exploring the root cause of a person’s health issues and imbalances that may show up during a treatment, rather than focusing only on relieving symptoms in the short term.  This helps people I work with to tackle their health goals and feel empowered to take active part in improving their overall wellbeing for the longer term. 

Come visit me in clinic at Blithe Yoga Therapies to unwind, relax and start your wellness journey!