About Me

Amy Diep

Founder & Therapist

I have always been drawn to complementary therapies and enjoyed receiving various therapies from my early 20’s to support general health and wellness.

Having worked in many dynamic and fast paced environments within Corporate, Finance and Media & Advertising during my professional career, I have personally experienced the effects of chronic stress on my emotional and physical wellbeing, and on many occasions turned to complementary therapies as a natural approach to re-balancing my health.   

Reflexology found me when I was trying for my second baby.  It was incredible for relieving stress and getting to a deeper state of relaxation that was often difficult for me, but critical to falling pregnant.  It was also the main complementary therapy that supported me physically and emotionally throughout my entire pregnancy and gave me the confidence and positive outlook I yearned for to achieve a natural and calm birth experience.  This inspired me to become a Reflexologist and share this powerful therapy with others to help achieve their health goals. I am particularly passionate about supporting women during their pregnancy and as they journey into motherhood.



  • ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology for the Complementary Therapist

  • Preconception, Pregnancy & Post Natal Care (London School of Reflexology)

  • Advanced Hand Reflexology (London School of Reflexology)

  • Facial Reflexology (Bergman Method)

  • Advanced Facial Reflexology (Bergman Method)

  • Fully Insured and Member of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR)

  • Member of Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)