Treatments & Prices

Supporting your health and wellbeing through a root-based approach to reflexology.

Reflexology for Wellness

Reflexology can be used to support any areas of your health that you would like to enhance and can be enjoyed by all ages.  Treatments for wellness are tailored to your needs according to your unique health goals.  By using a root-based approach to treatment, this enables better understanding of your presenting symptoms to improve symptom patterns.

 Some of the most common reasons people seek out reflexology are:

  • Relieving stress and anxiety

  • Migraines/headaches

  • Insomnia and better sleep

  • Digestive issues such as IBS and constipation

  • Releasing tension

  • Back, neck and shoulder pain

  • Pre-conception and pregnancy support

  • Hormone imbalances such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

  • Easing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause

Supporting couples on their fertility journey by creating an optimal internal environment for conception and deep relaxation.

Fertility Reflexology

Trying to conceive

Starting to think about expanding your family? There is often so much to think about while trying to conceive and no doubt, this process can feel stressful and overwhelming for couples. In my experience, stress is often one of the biggest inhibitors of couples falling pregnant and fertility reflexology is one of the best therapies you can receive to help you deeply relax and de-stress.

Reflexology for couples alongside conception has many benefits, including regulating your menstrual cycle to maximize chances of ovulation, supporting egg implantation and bringing balance and harmony to your endocrine and reproductive systems to ensure that the best internal environment is created to support conception.  

I work closely with couples to ensure treatments are tailored to your needs during each stage of your fertility journey and provide holistic advice for pre-conceptual care. I can also refer you to nutritionists to support you with your dietary and supplementation needs for boosting fertility.

Helping women towards a natural and faster labour with balancing treatments combined with specialist natural labour techniques.

Pregnancy Reflexology

Hormone Balance

Research has shown that during pregnancy, babies can feel the same emotions as their mother, which is why lowering maternal stress and encouraging feelings of wellbeing is so important.  Chronic stress during pregnancy can create hormone imbalances which can affect baby’s development.

Reflexology can help to relieve stress and anxiety during pregnancy by activating the parasympathetic nervous response when the body is deeply relaxed. This in turn reduces cortisol through release of endorphins. Oxytocin also increases in response to touch, leaving expecting mums feeling positive and calmer.  The stress relieving effects of reflexology help balance hormones by maintaining balance between the nervous and endocrine systems.

Natural Labour

As expecting mums we can often get attached to our ideal birth plan; the reality is, birth plans ‘rarely go to plan’.  Proper preparation for birth can make all the difference to a woman’s outlook; helping you feel more confident and well prepared for birth.  Reflexology can support achievement of better birth outcomes by balancing the whole body and mind to create the best conditions for birth.

Regular reflexology during pregnancy encourages the body to work at optimal potential, promote a natural labour and even shorten overall labour times.  Specialist natural labour techniques can also be used to naturally move things towards initiation of labour if a woman becomes overdue.

Pregnancy reflexology is safe during all three trimesters and is beneficial for relieving many symptoms such as stress and anxiety, backache and pelvic girdle pain, nausea and morning sickness, fatigue, heartburn, digestive issues, swelling and water retention, insomnia and preparing the body for natural labour to name a few.

Helping new mums to feel supported, cared for and recover faster with restorative and balancing postnatal treatments.

Postnatal Reflexology

Postnatal Recovery

According to WHO, the first six weeks after birth is the most critical but most neglected phase in the lives of mothers and babies. Whilst it is an incredibly joyous time for new mothers, many women also experience feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion and have little time for self-care.

Some of my women acknowledge that despite feeling guilty being away from their babies, making time for self-care made all the difference to lifting their mood, overcoming feelings of loneliness and having renewed energy and focus, allowing them to ultimately be more present with their baby.

Reflexology can form part of your self-care routine and accelerate postnatal recovery by restoring balance to hormones and maternal health following pregnancy and birth.  The sense of touch is very powerful, helping to build connection which we crave as new mums and release much-needed endorphins to boost mood and well-being. 

Postnatal reflexology is also beneficial for initiating and maintaining milk production, alleviating mastitis and engorged breasts, stress, tension, fatigue, brain fog, restoring energy levels, sciatica, back pain, sore joints, detoxification post epidural, and supporting you with postnatal blues and postnatal depression to name a few.

Postnatal Recovery + Baby Reflex™ for Parents

Ever feel like leaving the house with baby is a huge challenge? I offer restorative and balancing postnatal treatments and teach you baby reflexology within the comfort of your own home, providing the flexibility for you to remain close to your baby and nurse as and when needed.  My treatments are a little luxury that will leave you feeling balanced physically, hormonally and emotionally and importantly supported and cared for. 

In this session I create bespoke baby foot charts based on your baby’s needs and teach you how to confidently access simple points on their feet using Baby Reflex™. The techniques can be used to soothe common baby ailments such as colic, wind, reflux, constipation and teething. Baby reflexology is a great way to strengthen the bond with your baby and support their neurodevelopment through loving touch. The Baby Reflex™ teach lasts between 45-60 minutes as sessions are baby led. You will then receive a 60 minute postnatal recovery treatment.

Helping employers prevent workplace stress through relaxing treatments and reflexology for self-care.

Corporate Wellness

In the UK, stress, depression and anxiety accounted for 46% or 17 million working days lost due to work-related ill health in 2021/22.  On average, this means each person impacted by stress is taking 18.6 days off work per year.*  

In addition to increased absenteeism, stress and burnout can be a huge cost for companies in terms of low employee morale, decline in performance and lost productivity.

Chronic unmanaged stress can cause a host of health issues such as fatigue, IBS, migraines, insomnia and muscle tension.


How can Reflexology help employees?

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing and non-invasive therapy that is helpful for reducing stress and anxiety.  It works by calming the nervous system and lowering cortisol levels in the body, which spike when our bodies enter into ‘fight or flight’ mode triggered by a stress response. 

 The body’s healing process is activated when points on the hands, feet and face that correlate to different parts of the body are stimulated using reflexology techniques.

What are the benefits of Reflexology in the workplace? 

Whilst employers need to create a positive and productive work environment for employees to thrive, employees also need to take ownership for managing their wellbeing and stress levels. However, employees may not have access to therapies or the tools to achieve this. 

Reflexology is a cost-effective means for employers to support health and wellbeing in the workplace and can be used as a preventative therapy for work related stress, anxiety and overwhelm. 

By giving your employees an opportunity to take a break from their desks to disconnect and recharge, they can return feeling re-energized, more focused and productive.  Reflexology helps alleviate tension in areas we hold stress such as neck, shoulders, back and hands, reduce the incidence of headaches and improve digestion which can often be impacted by stress.

Reflexology is also an effective self-care tool that employees can use with breathwork during periods of stress or overwhelm to feel calmer and gain clarity.  Hand reflexology is easily implemented into daily routines and can be used in between sessions to extend the benefits gained.

If you would like to find out more about how Diep Roots Reflexology can enhance employee wellness, please reach out below.

Treatment Menu Prices

Reflexology for Wellness, Fertility, Pregnancy, Postnatal Recovery & Baby


Initial Consultation and Reflexology 80 mins £90

Reflexology Follow-up 60 mins £70

Pregnancy Reflexology Follow-up (40+ weeks) 90 mins £120

Home Visits*

Initial Consultation and Reflexology 80 mins £120

Reflexology Follow-up 60 mins £100

Pregnancy Reflexology Follow-up (40+ weeks) 90 mins £140

*Home Visits offered within East London and surrounds, including Islington, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Canary Wharf and Stratford